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Intense athlete doing an arm curl workout routine

Building Muscle Fast? 5 Basic Exercises To Blast Your Body Into The Zone!

Many gym enthusiasts are passionate about their bodies and mastered the art of how building muscle fast changed their lives.

If you’re looking to put together that perfect workout routine, then right here is an excellent place to start.

First, you must know the correct balance of mass-building exercises coupled with adequate volume and strength boosting techniques.

Learning how to manage working out can be a challenge when you initially begin.


It gets easier as you ramp up your workout routine and start seeing yourself gaining muscle. You must then learn how to speed up your goals to achieve that lean muscle fast!

Gaining a few pounds of muscle in just one month is a realistic goal if you master these workout exercises.

On the other hand, if you are a very aggressive person who wants to reach double digits in a few months, you must find the right nutritious strategy that compliments those workout exercises.  You need to eat right and work your butt off!

Nutrition is a crucial aspect to help pack on those extra “pure muscle pounds.” Ensure that you achieve your daily calories and macro-nutrients intake goals for the best results.

Let's Talk About Muscle Gaining Supplements

Sports nutrition. Whey, BCAA, amino, protein helps to gain lean muscle

You may have seen different ads on the internet talking about gaining muscle fast or using different bodybuilding supplements. What exactly are they, and how do they work?

After doing countless research, we found two companies that stood out above the rest.

Crazy Bulk and Testo Prime carry superior products. The reviews that we did on them will explain what ingredients you need to look for in a bodybuilding supplement and how they work synergistically.

No matter what, no one wants to get ripped off when buying muscle gaining supplements online.

This guide will emphasize proper form and nutrition quite a bit as you learn how to build muscle fast.

With this in mind, we can proceed to the next step and learn, “How can I put on muscle mass fast,” and examine how you need to understand some basic muscle-building workout plans.

What Is The Best Way To Build Muscle?

The best way to build muscle means indulging in strenuous compound muscle-building exercises.

We all have different goals when it comes to building muscle fast. Not everyone’s routine is the same. Plus, you may be wondering, “How do you even go about gaining lean muscle?” 

Additionally, how much lean muscle gain do you want, and how much time and effort are you willing to put in?

If you are looking for a way to bust through that plateau well, then you need to lift more substantial weight than usual, but it’s worth it.

Take a day off during an intensive workout: It's Important!

In your weekly workout routine, take at least a day off after two or three days of vigorous training.

This workout routine encourages a quick release of muscle-building hormones and ensures that you genuinely fatigue your muscles.

Move to a more excessive volume approach until you reach your peak performance.

Also, make sure that you get enough rest by getting the proper sleep (at least 8 hours) to give your muscles time for recovery.

Muscle soreness, or DOMS as most gym enthusiasts know it by, can become a mind game. Don’t let it stop you!

Consider These Facts When Choosing The Best Mass Building Workout Programs

The word FACT

Lack of motivation is a major stumbling block on how to gain muscle fast. Besides, DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) can mess with a person’s head quickly. 

Here’s an example of how DOMS works: You feel like a million bucks on your lifting day; you may even think that you could lift more than usual.  But, the next day, it feels like you just got hit by a truck!  

Nothing is more frustrating than a daily visit to the gym and failing to see any results. It would help if you had a proper routine and stuck with the plan.

There is a learning curve when it comes to how to build muscle correctly.  Undoubtedly, you will still “get sore,” but you must stay in your routine and not deviate.


Instead of giving up after your first week, why don’t you change your entire approach to building muscle fast?  It comes down to proper food intake, correct workout exercises, and adequate rest.

Maybe you gave it everything you had when doing those vigorous exercises, yet you may have messed on your nutrition part?

Alternatively, perhaps

You have time constraints, which are another challenge.  Before you schedule your workout routine, look at your daily work schedule, and determine the amount of time you have for your workout.

Another thing to consider is whether you’ll be working out at the gym or doing home workouts. 

Some of the exercises to build muscle we find at the gym require expensive gym equipment, so keep that in mind if you plan to make a home gym.

How important is training volume?

Before I introduce the top 5 best exercises for building muscle fast, I will encourage you to increase your training volume this time.

Could be this is where you failed previously?  Training volume is the number of reps multiplied by the number of sets and, it’s a significant determiner of muscle growth.

The recommended workout plan is to perform 2 to 3 exercises per body part, ten sets of 10 reps. Unless otherwise noted.

This workout plan is called the 10 X 10 principle and, every GREAT bodybuilder used it before, including Arnold and Sergio.

Most people ask, “What percent of my one rep max” should I use for the 10 X 10?

As a natural bodybuilder with over 10 yrs experience, I would do between 70 and 75 percent. Everyone is different. It would be best if you found out what workout is right for you.

Plus, you want your resting periods to be at least one minute between sets. Add this to your training program and watch your muscle size, tone, and muscle endurance explode!

How Do I Build Muscle Naturally?

Group training in gym

If you are a skinny guy or gal, you may want to learn an excellent bulking workout plan or gain a lean muscle fast program.

Weight lifting could be the boost you need for your self-esteem and confidence.  Otherwise, may I say that perhaps you wouldn’t be reading this article.


Let’s get started and show you how to gain some lean muscle pounds fast.

The trick is to gather the correct knowledge of nutrition, recovery, and building up weightlifting skills and smarts. It’s all a lifestyle.

To make weight training a fast achievable thing to do, let’s make it a routine program.

Another problem area for many people would be assistance in losing that extra weight around their mid-section.  If your goal is to lose belly fat fast, no matter how many sit-ups you do, you will never see the muscle unless you get the proper nutrition!

For beginners in weight training, you need to take quick but gradual steps to help your body gain lean muscle the healthy way.

Intermediate weight lifters may want to break past a plateau or add more muscle size and muscle endurance.

Patience plays a significant role in muscle building. You can’t wake up one day and expect to see your big muscles the following day.

You have to work your way up to achieve your dream muscles!

So, if you are intentional about cultivating muscle mass, these exercises should be included in your training routine.

What Is The Best Workout Routine For Gaining Muscle Mass?

Doing squats for building muscle fast

There are two phases of weight lifting – the concentric and the eccentric phase (hard and easy phase).

To get the most out of your weight lifting exercises, focus on the eccentric phase.  Therefore, put more eccentric effort into your workout!


You can either integrate eccentric-only variations or slow down the eccentric effort in your routine workouts.

According to Physiology, muscles gain bulk faster when moving them in the harder phase than the easier one.

Let’s get started!

1. Squats

An excellent example of an eccentric action is squats when you lower into a squat (eccentric) and return to standing (concentric).

This action is how you make your squats eccentric-only; lower to the floor, and let the exercise end there. (Have a few friends help lift the weight up for you)


If you want to do both phases, take a five-count getting to the sitting position and stand up in 2!

Do 3 sets of 3 reps. Rest for 1 to 2 minutes between sets. Keep in mind that it is easier to add a set than it is to increase the weight.

Squats exercises help in building muscle fast for your whole lower body. Leg Extensions and hamstring curls can be substituted if you don’t have a spotter.

2. Deadlifts

The deadlift exercise puts a key focus on the steely ligaments of the back. These muscles are much more resilient to training and growth.

In most cases, you’ll realize that your forearms will get fatigued before your back.

The best thing to do in this situation is to get a good set of lifting wraps or hooks. Moreover, this will lead to full-back exhaustion.

Immediately after you load a comfortable weight on the bar:

1. Be sure you keep your feet shoulder-width apart

2. Also, your toes pointed forward

Do three sets of 3 – 5 reps.  Rest for 1 to 2 minutes between sets.  Like a squat exercise, it is easier to add a set than to increase the weight.

Always remember that a deadlift is a dangerous exercise.  The best back workout exercise should be done using the correct form for safety, such as the deadlift.


Dead Lift exercises are the fastest way to build muscle in your lower back.

3. Barbell Exercises

Do 4 sets of barbell chest presses with 6-8 reps, then take a 2-minute rest.


Do 4 sets of barbell rows with 8-10 reps, again rest for 2 minutes.


Combine decline dumbbell chest presses by doing 4 sets with 6-8 reps and then 4 sets of weighted pull-ups to failure and take 2 minutes to rest.

4. Bench Press Exercises

Do a 10×10 set of DB bench press exercise and take a minute rest in between each set.


Do another 10×10 set of BB bench presses with a minute rest and finalize that with machine cable flys doing a 10×10 set then resting for a minute.

These compound Bench Press exercises, as you may already know, are among the best exercises for gaining mass and will put you on the right path for building muscle fast for your pecs.

5. Pull-Ups

Add pull-ups to your muscle-building workout routine for your upper body.

Do 3 sets of 6-8 reps and then take 2-3 minutes to rest in between sets.


You can continue with either barbell shoulder presses, seated cable rows and dumbbell bench presses or dumbbell flys, barbell curls, and skull crushers with 1-2 minutes in between sets.

Key Notes To Building Muscle Fast

Key to Success for building muscle fast

Muscle building routine exercises are suitable for both men and women, regardless of their age.

Get the most out of your muscle building workouts, cultivate a life balance, and ensure that you give yourself the best edge to build muscle fast the healthy way.

Make sure you read our reviews on the best legal steroids and learn how these muscle building supplements can help you transform your body into a “Lean Muscle Building” machine!

Together, with the above muscle building workouts, it should help you in your quest to build muscle fast!


  • https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3916928/
  • https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3916933/
  • https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5400411/
  • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pull-up_(exercise)