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How To Get Bigger Boobs Naturally ~ No Problem!
- Last Updated on June 22, 2021
Have you ever wondered how to get bigger boobs naturally? How about getting bigger breasts without surgery and not worrying about breast implant safety issues?
And, if you should decide on surgery, are you willing to wait months to heal? Now, if you’ve read this far, you owe it to yourself to consider every option first!
Here are some excellent ways to help you get there!
1. Wear Shirts That Make Your Breasts Look Bigger
Many women ask me, “how can they make their breasts look good”? Well, I just tell them that they CAN have naturally bigger-looking breasts by wearing tighter clothing on the outside.
Wear that dress that’s too small, or make that tee sexy by pinning it in the back and hiding it under your jacket.
How to get bigger boobs is made simple by just dressing tighter on the top!
a) What colors can make your boobs look bigger?
Wearing lighter colors and wide striped tops is the secret in the sauce. Colors are not as important, but dark colors such as black, brown, and navy tend to hide your curves. The strips accent those curves and give your boobs a fuller look.
2. How To Get Bigger Boobs With Contouring
Mostly all women know how to apply make-up to their faces, right? This same technique can work to highlight your breasts and make them appear bigger.
Shimmering effects can help your boobs stand out because this is the area where the light will naturally catch them the most.
A lot depends on how confident you are, as shimmering effects will gain attention! Growing breasts means taking bigger chances!
a) You can contour the shadows
Contouring can subtlety make them appear more significant by using a matte or maybe a shimmery shade. Now blend the highlight into the top part of your breasts using a broad powder brush.
By contouring your breasts’ shadows with a darker shade, you can create quite a powerful look.
Plus, if you follow the natural lines of your boobs and blend in a more cooling-toned shade, you will naturally attenuate your cleavage.
b) Cross your back straps
Another fantastic trick is making sure that your straps are as tight as possible. In other words, this will lift your boobs and give them a more prominent fullness.
You can also pin both straps together in the back. Thereby squashing them together and helping you achieve big natural boobs.
3. Doubling Your Bra Will Help You Get Bigger Boobs
The adage goes, “if one bra works, then two will work even better!” Doubling up on your bra is one of the simplest tricks that you can do.
Start with a smaller bra that has padding. After that, grab a bigger bra and put that one on over the top.
This second bra trick will work if you get it just right!
4. Stuffing Your Bra Is A Time Tested Way
Filling your bra with socks may feel a little dated, but the results will be impressive if done correctly.
Choose a padded bra that will hide that extra padding. Fold the socks in half and place them into your bra cup.
The socks should be underneath your boobs a bit. After that, make sure to adjust the socks so they don’t show.
Finally, check yourself in the mirror.
5. Use A Natural Breast Enhancement Product
A large assortment of breast enlargement supplements appears in search engines as topical creams, serums, or pills. The herbs included are chosen not only for their ability to enlarge your breasts but also to firm them up.
a) Add a breast enhancement cream or breast enhancement pills
We reviewed some of the best breast enhancement products to help you in your mission to get bigger boobs. Each has its unique properties, so maybe consider adding a quality breast enhancer cream to your arsenal.
b) Maintaining a healthy lifestyle
Women who are taking natural herbs should drink plenty of water to maintain a healthy lifestyle. To get the best optimal effects, it should include a good diet consisting of these foods that will help to increase your breast size and a daily workout.
Last But Not Least
Just go out and have some fun! We hope that you enjoyed reading this article about how to get bigger boobs without surgery.