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Male Extra pills with Pro Erection Gel

Male Extra Review - Sexual Performance Booster That Men Are Looking For?

What Are Male Extra Pills?

Male Extra pills are a type of male enhancement pill that improves the dilation of the blood vessels in your penis, which helps to improve your sexual performance.

They are advertised as one of the best male enhancement pills and have sold over 12 million tablets in 9 years.  

Their quick rise to stardom was no mistake. It happened because the manufacturers included a double dose of L-Arginine, and no other blend can make the same claim.

The manufacturer states its potent formula contains natural ingredients known to improve sexual health and sexual performance.

Over the last ten years, as more ED pills online have arrived on the scene, many men have begged the question, “do male enhancement pills work?”

Can this Male Extra formula give me more powerful erections, increased libido, and bigger ejaculations?

Will these Male Extra ingredients improve your sexual performance?

Let’s answer all of these questions during this Male Extra review and see if all of the hype rings true.

Why do I need Male Extra Pills?

Isn’t falling in love a spectacular time when two people bond together? And, when relationships grow more intimate, doesn’t the urge to have SEX become almost unbearable?

Men want the ability to obtain an erection and stay harder for a more extended period of time. And, by prolonging the mood, they can enhance their partner’s pleasure.


1. Many relationships fall apart because of erectile dysfunction (ED) problems.

2. Having SEX is crucial because it not only helps a couple feel pleasure, but it helps them communicate better and get closer.


Male Extra pills promise men that they can fulfill their desire to improve their sexual performance in the bedroom. 

They advertise their supplement as all-natural and the best male enhancement pills on the market for nine years.  In addition to that, they say it is safer than prescription Viagra or Cialis.

You might have difficulty searching google for the best male enhancement pills that work fast without running head-on into some Male Extra reviews.

Our first reaction was to determine why people were calling these the best male enhancement pills on the market.

We decided to try this male enhancement pill for 60 days and share the Male Extra review article results.

Did you know that these male enhancement supplements use a compelling and potent combination of all-natural ingredients?

And, they can help promote super satisfying sex for you and your partner.

How does Male Extra work?

We learned that its 7 ingredients work by expanding the blood vessels that make up the tissues in your penis during our Male Extra reviews.

More blood can then flow in, creating a much harder and longer-lasting erection. Imagine if these penis pills could increase your average penis size by even one inch.

The specific combination of their ingredients is what supercharges your sexual pleasure.  As a result, your penis will be longer and harder than before, lasting for hours.

You will need to take this supplement daily.  Also included is a penis exercise instruction booklet that you should follow. Furthermore, if you adhere to everything that Male Extra provides, your SEX LIFE should improve tenfold.

Here’s what the manufacturer states you can expect:

Maleextra bottle with ingredients being shown in left hand

How do the ingredients enable these male enhancement pills to work fast?

As we mentioned throughout this Male Extra review article, this company has put together a great male enhancement supplement.

When these seven ingredients listed below are combined, they act synergistically, Providing ED Remedies” for men with erectile dysfunction (ED).

You didn’t hear us mention proprietary blends, right?  And, that should be a “red flag” that warns you about hidden ingredients.

Some manufacturers like to keep secrets. 

This manufacturer, called Vobue Limited, doesn’t need secrets!  As a result, there is nothing hidden in their Male Extra ingredients.

As a matter of fact, each ingredient is disclosed in the EXACT amounts included in every bottle, giving you the honesty that you deserve as a consumer.

We were very impressed with this companies honesty and the main reason why we decided to try them.  Furthermore, let’s see if these are among the best male enhancement pills that work fast for ourselves and supply you with the results.

What Are The Male Extra Ingredients?

L-Arginine HCL 600mg

L-Arginine HCL 600mg is the main ingredient of Male Extra.  It’s an essential Amino Acid that is converted into nitric oxide by the body. 

By increasing nitric oxide production, it results in energy improvements and the absorption of nutrients.

It allows more blood to enter the penis, not to mention helping men to stay harder longer!

Nitric oxide is clinically proven to help men perform better and maintain an erection longer, with no more erectile dysfunction.

Imagine the combination of L-Arginine with the other six ingredients performing at such a high level that it could eliminate erectile dysfunction.

Now Get This!

These best male enhancement pills give you DOUBLE the L-Arginine than other less effective penis pills do.

Plus, Male Extra pills do work fast, and they should be on every man’s bestseller list.

Because if more blood flow means having significant penis enlargement, then it should be in a man’s best interest to give it a try.

Pomegranate 40% Ellagic Acid 500mg

Pomegranate is a fruit used in health care for centuries. Clinical studies have shown that It helps men stay harder longer by enhancing blood vessel dilation.

It contains high amounts of antioxidant-rich Ellagic Acid, which protects the added nitric oxide from L-Arginine (See Above) from free radical damage.

This fruit is effective at boosting blood circulation and essential to note it delays fatigue during physical exercise!

Imagine having the stamina that these best male enhancement pills could provide because you can!

MSM (Methyl Sulfonyl Methane) 100mg

MSM is an organic form of sulfur, a mineral that, as well as supporting blood flow, is crucial to your cell and tissue health – including those in your penis.

MSM keeps your cells from becoming weak, helping your body build strong and healthy new cells.

This sulfur-rich MSM in Male Extra supports your penis by stimulating the growth of healthy new, flexible cells that can hold more blood. As a result, it helps the penis achieve more hardness and increases the average penis size.

L-Methionine 100mg

L-Methionine is an essential amino acid and operates by blocking the hormone histamine. 

Histamine is involved in the erection process, and when levels are high, you are more likely to experience premature ejaculation. 

L-Methionine is added to Male Extra, lowering histamine levels.  As a result, it helps you stay harder for longer.

Zinc (as citrate) 14mg

Zinc is an essential mineral that plays a crucial role in the production of your testosterone. 

Low testosterone levels can be quite devastating to your libido and erections, yet many of us don’t get enough Zinc in our diets. 

Male Extra uses Zinc Citrate in their formula because of its proven ability to be adsorbed better, thereby maintaining your testosterone at a healthy level.

Cordyceps 25mg

Cordyceps is a Chinese medicine used for thousands of years as a natural aphrodisiac.

Studies have proven that this fungus will significantly increase your sex drive and sexual function. 

Scientists believe this is due to two chemicals found in Cordyceps called deoxyadenosine and cordycepic acid. They have shown a direct effect on the area of our brain responsible for controlling sexual desire. 

Niacin 18mg (vitamin B3)

Niacin, also is known as vitamin B3, was shown by many studies to improve blood flow and stamina. Therefore, B3 can enhance your penis by keeping it engorged with blood.

These male enhancement pills will help men with ED problems become fully functional again.

Do These Male Enhancement Pills Work Fast?

Yes, they do!  

This Male Extra uses all safe and potent natural ingredients. As a result, they are also male enhancement pills that work fast.

They are clinically proven male enhancement supplements and have been on the market for over nine years.  Plus, Male Extra comes with a 100% Money-back Guarantee!

It’s time to start looking beyond erectile dysfunction! Get the best male enhancement pills for your sexual needs.

Keep reading all of the EndlessRemedies product reviews to gain comparison insight into how remarkable these terrific male enhancement pills are gaining traction in the market.  

What about average penis size?

According to a study upon study, the average penis size when it is flaccid is 3.5″ or 8.8 cm. The average penis size when erect is 5.1″ or 12.8 cm.

When the researchers asked women, “What is the average penis size” of men they dated, their answers coincided almost with the studies.

Another study showed that while men worried about the length of their penis, women were more concerned about width.

What are my choices besides Male Extra?

You can have corrective surgery done, but this involves a few tricky choices, including a penis implant and artery repair. 

  • First, surgery can cost up to $20,000, depending on the type of implant chosen.
  • Secondly, the other concern with a penis implant has been the risk of infection, hematoma, device malfunction, and male infertility, resulting in 1out of 100 surgeries. 

After surgical repair, PAIN can be another important factor worth considering. 

Many men assume that penis implants increase size.

THEY DON’T!  So Don’t Risk The Surgery!

The surgical implant only helps you achieve an erection either by squeezing a small hand-help pump or by inserting a rod that keeps your penis erect all the time.

You can resume sexual activities after 4 to 6 weeks.  But is it worth the wait and discomfort?

Summary Of Male Extra Results


We love Male Extra!  After using them ourselves for over three months, every guy should try them first before even thinking about having surgery.

These natural supplements are the real deal, and they are male enhancement pills that work fast!

This manufacturer goes the EXTRA mile, adding just the right combination of ingredients to supercharge this Natural Alternative to Viagra, keeping it on top of its competitors. 

60-day money-back guarantee!

It also includes a penis exercise booklet that will help immensely. 

Another critical fact to consider before purchasing Male Extra is that it is only a performance-enhancing supplement.

If you are looking to add a few more inches to the size of your penis, then you need to read about another powerful pill that will address that problem.

We recommend you buy Male Extra!  We hope you enjoyed this Male Extra Review.